Saturday, September 15, 2012

EduBlogging is Learning

EduBlogging is Learning

Learning is acquiring new, or modifying existing, knowledge and may involve synthesizing different types of information. It does not happen all at once, but builds upon and is shaped by what we already know.

EduBlogging is a modern and innovative way of learning, as others may might think that learning is only acquired from teacher in school or in our everyday life as taught by someone. But today we have what we call EduBlogging.

Sharing and discussing what we know with others is one of the most effective way of learning. Technology can be a big help in  this way EduBlogging is where we share, discuss and learn with others over the internet by writing an article.

It provides learning to everyone all throughout the world, and one of the best features of EduBlogging is that there is an Author-reader interaction where the reader can ask or suggest about the selected topic unlike on the traditional learning where only the author can express himself and the reader can't ask the author because of the lack of communication.

Everyone can be a teacher in EduBlogging but one should provide a reliable source and fact. No one wants a false knowledge, so we should write only what is true or proven. Making a summary of a specific topic is a good way to start blogging, but be sure to use your own words as plagiarism is same as stealing IT IS A CRIME.

Composing an article is really one of the annoying activities I knew, I thought I cannot compose without copying but as time goes by and as I go with the flow of Blogging I find it interesting because of the freedom it provides to express one's self, the fact that anyone in the world of internet can read the blog that you made and the challenge to make your blog as unique as possible. 

This requirement made me realize that writing is not as bad as i thought it was. It helped me analyzed every line faster because you cannot write a good blog if you did not read great blogs.Though it's not part of our subject Clinical Chemistry our professor still taught us how to write an EduBlog so I would like to take this chance to thank her for an extra knowledge that she imparted to us. THANK YOU PO MA'AM :)

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